Antwort auf: SD Wan 2024 software statistics

Willkommen Foren Mitglieder-Forum der Droste-Gesellschaft SD Wan 2024 software statistics Antwort auf: SD Wan 2024 software statistics


Yes, is indeed a hot topic, and sd wan software statistics show that the use of this solution continues to grow in 2024. According to the latest data, more than 60% of companies worldwide have already implemented SD-WAN in their networks or are in the process of integrating it. This is an impressive growth compared to previous years, and there are several reasons for this. First, SD-WAN offers significant advantages over traditional WANs. Chief among them is the ability to centrally manage the network. This allows IT departments to more easily control network resources and optimize traffic. For example, with SD-WAN, traffic can be automatically routed through the best performing connections, which is especially important in high load environments. Studies show that companies that have implemented SD-WAN see a 30% reduction in network downtime and a 20-25% increase in throughput. Second, moving to SD-WAN can significantly reduce costs. Many companies report a 15-20% reduction in communication costs after implementing this solution. This is due to the fact that SD-WAN allows combining different types of connectivity such as MPLS, LTE and broadband, which makes the network more efficient and cost-effective. In addition, the importance of security is worth noting. In 2024, cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and SD-WAN offers built-in security features such as data encryption and traffic segmentation. This helps to protect sensitive data, which is especially relevant for companies dealing with personal customer data.

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